Well folks its 2005 and time to start a new heard from page.  You can catch up with 2004, 2003, 2002, or earlier by clicking on the link in blue.  To get back here hit your back button. 
Before giving any news heard  around the Christmas season I must report the loss of another friend.  Bill McIlhenny passed away on New Years Day.  He was diagonosed with a fairly rare blood cancer (multiple myecloma) in August.  It can be treated as a chronic disease if brought under control.  The chemo killed the cancer cells but wiped out his immune system and an infection took his life Jan 1.  His wife Roberta remains at the adress listed in the directory.

A number of the alums checked in over the recent holidays.  In no particular order they included Herb Dauber, always early and on time.  Herb has managed to inflict the opera bug on his Williamsburg residing daughter and they have plans to meet in Seattle in August for the Wagner's Ring Cycle operas.  Believe it or not Herb is back working in the Kaneohe Bay NAF office one day a week.

Bruce Howard was heard from.  I had been receiving messages that I was on his blocked list.  Evidently a victim of his spam control.  Anway his email address is still good.  He would have sent electronic Christmas cards but he is chronologically challenged.

Tom Garnett sent Best Wishes for the Holidays to all the Navy Alums.

Steve Collins is still busy conducting training sessions from Italy to Japan and all points in between.  He and wife were in Ireland for two weeks in October touring the country by car.

Sue Manes and husband have made their trek back to the Orlando Florida area for the next three months.  Stop in and visit them at the Thousand Trails RV Resort.  They travel between homes in Virginia and Rehoboth Beach in addition to being snowbirds in the winter.

Bert Lederer and wife Claydene are also in the Orlando area and also in an RV.  They have logged over 5000 miles since leaving the Seattle area in September.  I enjoyed lunch with them when they visited Elvis.  They als visited Charleston and Savannah.  They will be in Orlando until the end of January when they will begin a trek across the southern route to the Pacific coast.

Ron Willard checked in to say Happy Holidays.  We trade jokes often.

Bob Best sent greetings but did not elaborate on his travels this year, but I'm suire they have been extensive.

Others offering Holiday Greetings were Jesse Noble Smith from Hershey, Sylvia Ewell, the Norfolk area, Judy Garrard Jones in Germany, Bernice Parker in Jacksonville, Karen Murashige and George Wyman in Hawaii.  Good friends in faraway places.

I got Dotty Meletzke's year end letter.  She and Jerry Walsh are having a difficult time deciding where they want to be.  Currently they are in Fort Myers, FL but expect their main home to be in Westerly, RI as soon as the new (to them) home is renovated.

I'm uncertain of any details but understand Tom Muir is having some health problems.

Chuck Denzin and I are planning a trip to Forida about the middle of January.  We will hope to see the Jacksonville group and enjoy wings and things at Hooter's and maybe take Funderburk up on his golf challenge.  It has been so cold and wet here that I haven't touched a club in 10 weeks.   We also want to see Joe Haydt while we are out.  Don't be surprised if we take up some of the rest of you in Florida on your invitations.

Keith Taylor has joined the twenty-first century withan e-mail address.  Find it in the directory.

Bill Jackson former director of Yorktown and recently the czar of the Norfolk area Navy HRO has been selected for a SES job in OPM.  Director James resigned on 10 Jan.  Coincidence?

Carmen Walker, Kathy Ott, and Betty Rodriguez have been traveling again.  This time to St. Tropez, France.  Hope they didn't spend any money!  Picture on the more new pix of old people page just added.

Denzin and Edmundson made a swing through Northeast Florida recently.  Enjoyed seeing Wayne and Donna Lauten at their Comfort Suites Hotel in St. Augustine across from World Golf Villlage, and Joe and Florence Haydt in Holly Hill (next door to Daytona).  Joe is 86 this year and I don't know Wayne's age, but these to guys are the Dorian Gray's of the personnel world...they just don't age.  Also saw old friend's Bob Funderburk and Cindy Glenn as well as my daughter Libby.  It was cool but sure beat Tennessee.

Myrna Adams has a new email address as she has joined the faster than a speeding bullet download group. myrnabeata@comcast.net

Paul Pollinger, always a friend,is retiring 3 February 205.  He has been with Navy for 33 of his 34 years of work.  In that time he saw Washington a lot but also New Orleans, Naples, Italy, and southern Spain.  He's going to become a contractor for GRA.

Had a snail mail from Bill Pankonin.  He and wife Thelma are living in Oro Valley, AZ.  Having a few health problems like the rest of us but otherwise still clicking-note that is different from kicking!

Received news that Bob Holmes retired in September 204 from the Director Norfolk Naval Shipyard satellite office.  Bob had 41 years of service.  He continues to live in Chesapeake, VA and is enjoying taking his retirement present, a 2003 50th Anniversary Corvette, to various events.
Pictures posted.

Lloyd Grable is still trying to get the government personnel system on track!  Currently he is helping the Energy Dept with "the changing scene of the new construct of human capital".  Man I'm glad I'm gone!!  Lloyd has also been to London to see his grandkids and since his son has a European based job for the next 3/4 years expects an annual trip to the UK.  He and his wife are also exploring America in a rush before they take away his driver's license.

Just got off the phone with Mike Abbott.  Everyone will be happy to know he has not changed in the eight years since his retirement.  Mike recently celebrated his 70th birthday with a fantistic party.  Mike loves those get-to-gethers where he is the center of attraction-and if there are gifts it's even better. 3/22/05

Email from Dotty Meletzke reported Navy HR  sightings on their way south (to second home in Fort Myers).  Saw Rick Smith, Pam and Curran Smith, and Steve Gregg in Sarasota.  Steve on vacation from Indiana, the others settled there.  Cynthia Harris Cashore and Richard Cashore visited Al and Liz Reid in the same community where Dotty and Jerry live.  Cynthia appears to be the female Dorian Grey in our group.  Al Reid is coming on his 89th birthday and still plays golf near ly every day on his artificial knees and one hip.  George Wooten is still in Naples and still never available by phone.  He and Sandra are off on a two week cruise this time.  Dotty and Jerry are headed back to Rhode Island for the summer.  5/13/05

Sue Rosenburg, formerly with Navy in Lakehurst and Philly is being promoted to SES level with the FBI beginning in August 2005.

I made a trip to the Orlando area in July to reunion with my kids and grandkids.  The trip was shortened by the hurricane season.  No one should be allowed to stay at Disney World more than two days.

Recently I have started using some of those carry-over minutes to call old friends.  Last night I spoke with Jesse Smith and Bill DaRosa.  Both are holding up well.  It was a delightful end to a long day.  You should try it.  Check the directory page for a place to start.  8/3/05

Followed up with a call to George Wooten.  He is doing great.  Wife Sandra and he just returned from a trip to Alaska.  Plan to see him soon.  8/15/05

Bill and Anita Paz passed away in July and May 2004.  Both had been in failing health since Bill suffered a series of strokes in 1998.  A message that I received from son Mark Paz (pazfour@earthlink.net) is found by clicking here.

Bill Pankonin passed away August 12, 2005.  Bill was with PacCom during the Vietnam and after years.  He was a professional in every way-and a nice guy to boot.  Reported by George Wyman his friend and successor.

Dave Gibbons lives in Diamondhead, MS a town right in the path of Katrina.  He and wife Pat were returning from a trip to England when the hurricane hit.  I have saved a message from him that can be read by clicking here.

Ron Burow had recently moved to Ocean Springs, MS and Katrina took everything except his boat.  Ron is still trying to pull things together.  These friends and colleagues need your prayers.  Ron can be reached by email at rcb5550@cableone.net

Word was recently passed by Al Cohen via Dotty  M. that the new NSPS Human Resources Director is former Navy employee Shirley Scott.  Shirley is a NAVSEA product.  The Deputy Director at CMPS is also a former Navy type, Sharon Stewart who among other jobs was a CCPO Crystal City product.  Both jobs are SES I believe.  For those uninformed among you,  NSPS is the new DOD personnel system that is replacing whatever replaced the FPM system that we knew.  It reads like a cross between the non-appropriated fund plan, the Navy demo project, and a wild-assed-guess.  They are still trying to make things performance based when no one can recognize excellent performance until after it has or has not taken place.  This is my last editorial comment on the subject.
