I have reflected frequently upon my career in government, what I did right (that didn't take much time), and what I did wrong (hard to even scratch the surface). Like almost every Navy personnel alumnus, there are things I wish I had done differently, things said and done that required more wisdom and composure than I could muster at the time. But overall, it was an immensely satisfying career and I am most fortunate to have had it. Personnel administration, and position classification especially, were honorable support endeavors for a cause we all held dear. It was a constant challenge to balance the seemingly conflicting intent of regulations with the necessities of line management - honest, hard-working men and women trying to do a job with a minimum of resources. Attempting to bring about such a balance certainly took the best that all of us had to offer. Throughout my career I always marveled and the intelligence, drive, and just plain conventional wisdom of the people in the Navy civilian personnel establishment.